VISUAL - 50%
The result shows that I'm a VISUAL learner.
Based on Wikipedia, the visual learning is a style in which a learner utilizes graphs, charts, maps and diagrams. In, easy words, I can get more focus and enjoy in study by using graphical ways to represent what I'm studying. I prefer it when the information is represented in diagrams or graphs. It is because the visual learner like me gonna getting more understand and remember things just by sight. So I like to see what I've learned. But as the visual learner, I may have trouble absorbing information that is presented only in written form.
Most of the facts state that the visual learner is ;
→ write down key words, ideas or instructions
→ need to be able to see the teachers or the lecturer
→ learn from seeing things written out on a whiteboard
→ remember what they read rather than what they hear
→ prefer reading a story rather than listening to it
I do have strong preference to learn a certain way because the way I studying compared to my friends do are totally different! In mathematics studies, I'm gonna get more understand if it's graphed and charted. I also draw visuals of problems so I can see how to solve them. That's why I'm finds that the written maths problems is easier to do than the oral ones. I also take anything important notes by highlighting, making marginal notes and taking notes.
Based on what I understand, the visual learning style is really works for me. I do admit that I really hate to be in study group. It's gonna be more bad for me if the members of the group is really noisy and talked much. I need a quiet study time. I really enjoy to be in library and study alone by myself especially for the subject that I'm gonna learn is about numbers and also facts. Beside that, work alone is better rather than in group. It is because I love to see the outcomes of my works that I've do by myself. It's gonna shows all the things that I've do the best and what the things that I didn't perform or vice versa. After all, I can keep trying for get the perfect result because practice makes perfect. After that, I do admit that I really enjoy visual projects and the presentation. When it comes to science subject, oftenly my notes is in diagrams and carts. I also write down things that I want to remember. I gonna put my focus in number one by looking the person who is speaking or the presentor because the information that they present can make me more understand when I see it with my own eyes.